Sun May 24 20:42:05 CEST 2020

Another stab at plan9

I used to run plan9 on my old pentium1 laptop and pentium1 PCs in the last millenium. In fact, I had bought specific hardware such as 3com 3C589 or Orinoco Wavelan PCMCIA devices supported by plan9.

I never had any any luck to run plan9 (or variants such as 9atom) on more modern gear. My only successful attempt to run plan9 on a 1000H Eeepc was with Russ Cox' 9vx.

This day started off with some googling after bhyve plan9, took a turn via proxmox plan9, and ended with another read of the 9front pages. Since I'm running now pretty decent hardware capable of running qemu, this is now a viable option:

welcome, 9front!

This is just an initial boot. The actual installation has to wait for another day. I am still a complete klutz with using qemu and had to google how to get my mouse back. (Luckily, another machine was at hand.)

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: learned, done