January 2020 Archives

Thu Jan 30 11:11:11 CET 2020

More light!

Testing for this year's MeKa event showed that my old Cisco Catalyst WS-C2940-TF8-S switches (shake, rattle, and roll) are very picky about the SFP modules they accept. Cisco-branded only, please!

That policy by Cisco from around 2003 caused much hoopla in the industry, and Cisco was effectively forced to accept any MSA-compliant transceivers with with later IOS versions (12.2ish).

These switches are running something around IOS 12.1(22)EA14, though, and they won't accept a service unsupported-transceiver command. They do accept an no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid but it doesn't help in any way even for Agilent SFPs. (The port is just stuck and remains so, even when putting in a proper Cisco SFP instead. A cold restart is necessary.)

So in the aftermath of the meeting, I ebayed two GLC-SX-MM SFPs with them bridges on (19.98 EUR for the pair, incl. shipping). Just to have a few more fibre options in my lab...

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: learned, done, marshlabs