Sat Apr 18 17:02:30 CEST 2015

If he only had known...

Back in the 90s I had a gray-scale printout of a PostScript picture hanging in my office which was slightly doctored. (The picture, not the office. Nor me.)

When I left academia, I took that picture with me, eventually framed it, and it still decorates my desk at home.

However, I never had the PostScript file, and for the last twenty years, I have been looking through various old disks / systems and googling the Intarwebs for it. No dice.

But this morning, after an entire night of wading through files and directories, I finally found it. On the old DECsystem ips I had saved from being scrapped in 2007, in a sub sub sub directory of Bernd Witte, the UNIX admin who tought me a lot when I was just a user, there it was: /usr/users/infbsps0/witte.old/dsm/qms/psexec18/

This was a sample file coming with a QMS laser printer we had in the basement (you guessed it: gray-scale only), and is the untampered version, still advertising "The Adobe Illustrator might have saved him".

I installed the ghostview suite on my ARM board alexis, and with a little bit help from sed(1), we are back to the not-so-original version. So without further ado, here is a low-quality jpeg rendering:

rtfm nurse

(This is the first time I see this in color.)

I blatantly removed the Adobe copyright notice, too. Hey, I DON'T CARE! I'D RATHER SINK -- THAN CALL ADOBE FOR PERMISSION!.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: done