Tue Feb 11 23:07:44 CET 2014

XCP (Xen Cloud Platform) demise on debian

Another dead horse to dismount from:

debian gives up on XCP due to lack of upstream (i.e., Citrix) cooperation.

And this had been touted with so much fanfare, as in supported Linux distributions (currently Debian and Ubuntu). XenProject's own documentation on XCP-XAPI was, to put it mildly, quite confusing to me.

Xen never worked on tafkap.marshlabs.gaertner.de, an N270-Atom Samsung NC10 running Ubuntu-12.04-LTS (aka precise pangolin). When booted into the Dom0 kernel, the system would freeze after running for some five minutes. This NC10 has 2GB RAM and 500 GB disk, quite a fat netbook and good for hosting several VMs.

Posted by neitzel | Permanent link | File under: learned, marshlabs